Thursday, December 10, 2009

Keynote Speaker

Please find here a link to the online profile for our keynote speaker, Dr. Franco De Angelis, from the University of British Columbia.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Call for Papers

“Absolutely Imprecise: Quantitative Methods of Viewing the Past”
5-6 March 2010

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Franco De Angelis, University of British Columbia

Abstracts for papers on the application of quantitative methods in historical research are sought for the History and Classics Graduate Student Association’s conference at the University of Alberta on Friday, 5 March to Saturday, 6 March 2010. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words, to be submitted to the address below. As we are a multidisciplinary department, we are seeking papers from a broad spectrum addressing different quantitative approaches to historical research from all time periods and geographical regions. Papers may address any subject matter as it is the method of approach that is of importance, not the specific subject matter.

Papers accepted for presentation should be approximately 15 minutes in length.
Please submit abstracts electronically to
Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2010.
Announcement of accepted abstracts: 15 February 2010.

In addition to the highly anticipated academic proceedings, there will also be organized social events on both the Friday and Saturday nights, as well as an Archaeological Institute of America talk on the Thursday before the conference. If any further information is required, please feel free to contact either Ian Thompson or Rylan Kafara at

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Welcome to the 2010 HCGSA Annual Graduate Student Conference

The 2010 History and Classics Graduate Student Association Annual Graduate Student Conference will be held on March 5th and 6th 2010. This year's topic will be Quantitative Methods in Historical Research. The topic is aimed to attract a variety of papers from a multitude of disciplines.

In addition to the Graduate Student Conference, our keynote speaker will also be presenting a lecture on behalf of the Archaeological Institute of America on the evening of March 4th 2010. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Dr. De Angelis and for his two upcoming lectures.

Please find here our Call for Papers and check back often for continuing updates on the conference!